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How Vaccine Hesitancy Affects Vaccination Rates and Public Health

The numbers of people getting annual flu vaccines have remained low, putting public health at risk. The rise in vaccine hesitancy is one reason why.
May 23, 2023


Vaccines Save Lives: At Least 154 Million Deaths Have Been Prevented by Vaccines

Recent data from the Essential Programme on Immunization demonstrates the life-saving impact of vaccines.
Jun 13, 2024


World Immunization Week 2024: Honoring 50 Years of the Essential Programme on Immunization

In 2024, World Immunization Week is celebrating 50 years of the WHO’s Expanded Programme on Immunization.
Apr 23, 2024


How Effective Is the Flu Vaccine? See Early Estimates for 2023-2024

The flu shot is still the best way to prevent the flu and its complications. But how effective were flu vaccines this season?

Apr 1, 2024

Flu Season

The 2023-2024 Flu Season in Review: Have Flu Cases Peaked in the U.S.?

Mar 8, 2024


A Change Is Coming to Flu Vaccines: Moving From Quadrivalent Flu Vaccines to Trivalent

Current flu vaccines are quadrivalent, designed to protect against 4 viruses…but this will soon change.
Feb 13, 2024


Is It Too Late to Get a Flu Shot?

If you haven’t gotten a flu shot earlier in the flu season, is it worth bothering to get one at all?
Jan 2, 2024

Recent Articles



The Role of Vaccines in Flu Prevention and Protection

Vaccination has long been used in flu prevention, but do you know the true value it can bring in protecting public health?



2023 National Influenza Vaccination Week Is Here!

Getting a flu shot during National Influenza Vaccination Week can help protect you and others against the flu over the holidays and through the flu season.



NFID Survey Results Suggests Lower Flu Vaccination Rates This Season

Data from this NFID annual survey shows who’s planning to get a flu shot this year.


Flu Season

When Should I Get a Flu Shot?

Are you up-to-date on your flu shot in 2023?


Flu Season

Flu Shot Timing for the Flu Season Months

Usually flu season runs between the months of October and April, but that isn't always the case. So when is the best time for flu shots?

Flu Season

2023–2024 Flu Season Predictions: What Can We Expect?

Annual flu season patterns and trends have been in continual flux since 2020.



Protect Your Kids From Flu in the 2023-2024 Flu Season

Kids have returned to school—and the flu is returning, too. Have you gotten your kids vaccinated against the flu yet?


Updated Flu Vaccine Recommendations for 2023-2024 Flu Season

Flu vaccination recommendations are updated each year. See what's new for the 2023-2024 flu season.


Can You Get the Flu in the Summer?

You can still catch the flu in the summer months, thanks to a variety of factors.

Flu Burden

How Flu Creates a Burden on Society

Read about the impact of seasonal flu—and of vaccinations.

Flu Science

How Flu Spreads

While getting vaccinated is the most effective way of avoiding the flu, understanding how the flu spreads is a big step towards prevention.


Why Does Flu Affect Some People More Than Others?

Certain people may have higher risk factors for influenza complications.

Woman holding child at a sink, washing hands

Flu Prevention

How Can You Prevent the Flu

Read a few helpful tips to prevent seasonal influenza.



What Kind of Flu Vaccine Is Right for You?

Depending on your age, certain vaccines may be preferentially recommended by the CDC.
Masked female receiving a flu shot in the arm


Overview of Flu Vaccine Types

There are a range of choices among the vaccines available today

Dr. Rachel O'Mara, private physician


A View of the Flu

Dr. Rachel O'Mara, private physician, describes some of the experiences her patients have had with influenza.

Flu Science

Antigenic Drift: Why Flu Viruses Change Every Year

Did you know? Influenza viruses are constantly mutating or changing. One way in which they change is referred to as antigenic drift.
Sick woman lying on couch, eyes closed


Is It Influenza?

Learn how flu symptoms compare to symptoms of other common illnesses.